Inspiration & Resources

Check out our blog posts to learn more about our coaching and consulting services, our favorite resources and life-hacks, and anecdotes from people who understand what it’s like to have learning disabilities and/or ADHD.

Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Where I've been and where I'm going.

The year was 2020… ya know the year that basically gave the world the middle finger. My husband and I were self-quarantined in our 550 sq ft apartment in NYC and I can tell you that NYC apartments are not meant for you to spend any time in….

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Dyslexia and parenting 

I’ve had a diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD since I was 8 years old. I’ve had the privilege of having support and resources all the way through college. But when those resources no longer exist it can be a bit disorienting trying to figure out what is next and what kind of help you need in these next milestones.

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Budgeting and Money with ADHD

This topic often leaves me feeling anxious too but I have learned some ways to keep track of everything and pay my bills on time. So let me be your non judgemental older sister to walk you through some steps that might make this just even the slightest bit easier for you. 

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Tips to avoid silly workplace errors.

Adults with ADHD and/or learning disabilities, unfortunately, have to do a lot of overcompensating to make what some might feel as the simplest task to complete. But for us they tend to be the tasks we avoid the most because we have no interest in them or maybe they are just flat-out boring…

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

The power of accountability with ADHD/ LD

As an adult with learning disabilities and/or ADHD it’s pretty frustrating and isolating knowing that not everyone around you really understands how you think or what you struggle with on the inside…

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Communicating your needs

When you have ADHD and/or learning disabilities we tend to struggle with what feels like the basics in adulting. Maybe you have a hard time cleaning up after yourself, maybe you lose things a lot, you are always late, you forget important dates, you don’t pay attention to what people say, you lash out in frustration or feel rejected, and you might feel irresponsible with money. 

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

What’s in my diaper bag?

As a new parent with ADHD I often get asked what is in my diaper bag to keep it organized so that I don’t lose anything. Having worn purses since I was 12, I realized how easily my diaper bag could end up a bottomless. I just couldn’t deal with the thought of being out and about dumping my bag upside down to find hand sanitizer. 

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Alex Gilbert (She, Her) Alex Gilbert (She, Her)

Why my coaching philosophy is nothing like you've tried before

When I speak to people with learning disabilities and/or ADHD they often tell me they’ve tried everything under the sun to try and help themselves accomplish their goals and nothing seemed to work.  They often feel defeated, thinking: “what is wrong with me? Why do these strategies work for other people and not for me?”

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